We ensure satisfied and well-trained employee

Positive working atmosphere & professional development


Sieveringer Straße 47
1190 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-388 80 80
E-mail: office@js-steuerberatung.at

Office hours:
Mo – Fri: 8:30 am – 2 pm
Or by appointment

Appointment online consultation
Make an appointment for a personal online meeting with Julius Schlosman easily and flexibly here.

Our employees are the cornerstone of our success

We are a small, highly motivated team that works with great passion for the success of our clients.

If you have a good education in the field of tax and law and are enthusiastic about these topics, then you have the best opportunities with us to be a part of the team and to gain practical experience.

If you also appreciate a spirit of partnership and a positive working atmosphere, then you’ve come to the right place.

Become part of our team!

I like working at Julius Schlosman Tax Consultancy, …

Thomas Satzinger

Thomas Satzinger

Junior Consultant


… because I can work in an international environment at Julius Schlosman and, due to the small size of the firm, I always have very varied and comprehensive areas of responsibility to carry out. I can apply what I have learned in my studies in practice and benefit greatly from Julius Schlosman’s vast experience.


… because one is valued as an employee and there is a very humorous working atmosphere here, in which I feel very comfortable.

What you can expect from us as an employee

   Positive working atmosphere

We are a small team that values the personal communication with each other and with our clients. A people-oriented working atmosphere and team spirit are our top priorities.

   Working in partnership with each other

For Julius Schlosman, employees have a special status. He knows how important they are for the success of the firm and its clients. For him, partnership at eye level is therefore a natural part of his approach.

   Your ongoing development

The manageable size of our team means that all employees have responsibility from the very beginning. Julius Schlosman will support you fully. Through close contact, you will benefit directly from his broad experience and professional competence. You will learn on the job every day and will be able to continuously develop your skills. In addition, you have a wide range of opportunities for further professional development.

   State-of-the-art technology

Our employees’ workplaces are well-equipped and technologically up-to-date. The high degree of digitalisation used with our clients provides an efficient and modern work environment.

   Job with plenty of variety

Tax consultancy is not only Julius Schlosman’s personal passion, he also passes this enthusiasm on to his employees. Why? Because tax consultancy at Julius Schlosman is a very interesting and varied job. A variety of topics and a wide range of different clients, including international ones, make for exciting work every day.

   Flexible working hours

Home office and flexible working hours as well as part-time working models have always been possible with us. We trust our employees and want to support the compatibility of family and career or studies and work with as much flexibility as possible.

   A great office in a prime Viennese location

When people enter Julius Schlosman’s tax consultancy office for the first time, they are thrilled by the special flair and the high-quality furnishings. A particularly beautiful workplace awaits you in a prime Sievering location with good public transport accessibility.


Sieveringer Straße 47
1190 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-388 80 80
E-mail: office@js-steuerberatung.at

Office hours:
by appointment


Appointment online consultation
Make an appointment for a personal online meeting with Julius Schlosman easily and flexibly here.